
CorTo is a tool for transcript and metabolite network reverse engineering. It combines several coexpression approaches and viewing capabilities, plus the possibility to detect over-representation of a particular functional class in a gene list.

For bug reports/suggestions, please send an email to federico dot giorgi atnospam gmail dot com

CorTo requires java6SE+


CorTo v1.0.3 for Windows

CorTo v1.0.3 for Linux/Mac (jar file)

CorTo Manual


03-01-2013 Release 1.0.3 is out!

Bug fix release. Now CorTo supports spreadsheet-like formatting of input files (i.e. with the first field empty) and runs an internal safety check if the input file is not formatted correctly.


17-12-2012 Release 1.0.2 was out!

Now CorTo implements Over Representation Analysis (ORA) with the possibility to add a custom MapMan mapping (freely downloadable also from the MapMan store).


Programmers involved:

Federico M. Giorgi - GUI and calculation engine

Cristian Del Fabbro - GUI, memory handling and debugging

Anthony M. Bolger - Mutual Information code